SITA - Saudi International Travel Agency
SITA stands for Saudi International Travel Agency
Here you will find, what does SITA stand for in Firm under Entertainment category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Saudi International Travel Agency? Saudi International Travel Agency can be abbreviated as SITA What does SITA stand for? SITA stands for Saudi International Travel Agency. What does Saudi International Travel Agency mean?Saudi International Travel Agency is an expansion of SITA
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Alternative definitions of SITA
- Société International de Télécommunications Aeronautiques
- Sindicato Independiente del Transporte Aéreo
- Step IT Academy
- Sun Integrated Technologies and Applications
- Smart IT As
- Stratus IT Australia
- Strut IT Afrika
View 21 other definitions of SITA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SDOL SD Ooh Ltd
- SVRS Sterling Volunteer Rescue Squad
- SRS Southern Refreshment Services
- SJSL Smith Jones Solicitors Ltd
- SFC Sac and Fox Casino
- SICBT Stanford International College of Business and Technology
- SMFCL Shanghai Matsu Furniture Co. Ltd.
- SSS Specialty Store Services
- STSM Sexual Trauma Services of the Midlands
- SOTC Southern Oklahoma Technology Center
- SFHA Scottish Federation of Housing Associations
- SCSA Society of Certified Senior Advisors
- SNLP Sadie Nash Leadership Project
- SMCL Sapphire Management Consultancy Limited
- SMUK Self Management UK
- SML Start Mortgages Limited